
I’ve been thinking a lot since President Barack Obama’s inauguration on Tuesday.

I think a lot of other people have, too, if our little town is any indicator.

Here in the only state that didn’t have even one county go to Obama in the election, it’s been kind of surreal.

There are lots of Obama supporters here, but you just didn’t see many visual signs during the campaign – very few yard signs, bumper stickers, etc. As a whole, I think Obama supporters here were just afraid they’d get their car egged or otherwise be subjected to ignorance.

But that doesn’t mean that we weren’t here.

Small groups tentatively sought each other out after the election, to celebrate and express their elation. But it wasn’t until the inauguration (at least locally) that these groups and individuals gathered to celebrate and talk. Approximately 45 registered to come to the gathering in Stillwater, but about twice that many showed up! It was a great time.

Plans are being made, from local groups right on up to the Oval Office. I think we’re looking at the beginning of one of the USA’s great chapters.

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