We Cleaned Up

Yeah, we cleaned up Perkins yesterday during the annual Trash-Off.

Seventy-four people showed up to help pick up trash around town. We were very excited about that. We were just hoping to break last year’s record of 25 volunteers.

Don’t know if it was the beautiful weather that made the difference, or the promise of a free breakfast and lunch that did it, but something really worked.

We had volunteers from Oklahoma Lions Boys Ranch, Eden Chapel, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Payne County Bank, the Perkins Lions Club, Country Comfort, Perkins Veterinary Clinic, and from the sponsoring organizations, the City of Perkins and Perkins Community Chamber of Commerce.

We picked up nearly a ton of trash along streets and highways! Sadly, there was more out there, but we definitely made a huge difference.

Please everyone – don’t litter!

2 responses to “We Cleaned Up

  1. Well done down there in Perkins!

    Here in W. Seattle, my partner and I spend an amazing short amount of time every week filling one bucket each with litter. As I’m sure you understand, it feels really good to clean up our city.

    Check us out, we’re blogging about our weekly sojourns here: http://inthebucket.wordpress.com/

    Happy Easter to you,


    • Thanks! We were amazed at how much trash we were able to pick up in only a few hours. I wish we could have worked all day, but even a little made a big difference.

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