The Great Oklahoma Blizzard of 2009

Yes, I’m a survivor (so far) of the Great Oklahoma Blizzard of 2009.

Today, Dec. 25, we’re enjoying very, very bright sunshine being reflected off mounds of snow that fell yesterday. I don’t know how much snow we actually received, but what we did get was deposited in artful drifts by strong winds. The drifts really created havoc with roads and highways across the state. At one point last night, all of the interstate highways in Oklahoma were closed, along with Will Rogers International Airport in Oklahoma City.

Whoever hadn’t get made it to Grandma’s house by around noon or so yesterday was out of luck.

We traveled to Keith’s mom’s home south of Wynnewood, Oklahoma on Wednesday. I’m glad we did because we pulled our camper/trailer down here with us. We had hoped to leave this morning, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen. Our SUV would probably have no trouble on the roads, but I doubt the trailer would even make it to I-35.

My son Wil waited til late yesterday morning to head down here, but he didn’t make it. It took him quite awhile to just get to Guthrie, where he stopped to clear his windshied wipers then head to Edmond, where he stopped to stay with his girlfriend Jerra and her family.

I’m glad he was able to get somewhere safe and warm, but wish he was here with the family in Wynnewood.

Our nephew Kris tried to make it up from Houston, but got stopped in the Dallas area. Glad he had somewhere to take refuge from the storm.

It’s been interesting watching Facebook and text updates from other friends and family.

Yvette thought she would be stuck at The Oklahoman office, but was rescued last night. Kendra and her kids were iced in at Lawton, unable to get home to Stillwater.

Bob, a Stillwater firefighter, reported he was on an ambulance run that got stuck a few houses down from where their call was. Luckily, the call wasn’t a life-or-death situation!

But most people were reporting from a warm and safe spot, even if it wasn’t quite where they had planned to spend the Christmas holiday.

For now, I’m content to sit here by the fire and sip hot chocolate and peppermint schnapps.

Will keep you posted on our attempt to get home…

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