Have we changed latitude?

Yeah, this is another post about Oklahoma weather.

We are currently in a weird cycle of rain and cool weather that makes me wonder if whe have somehow switched climates with Seattle.

I guess it could be their revenge for losing their NBA team to Oklahoma City. Who knows?

This morning I was awakened early once again by the weather radio notifying us that a thunderstorm was headed our way. I checked the weather map on tv and saw that a strong gust front with large hail was barreling down upon us. Sighing, I got dressed and went out to move all of my potted plants under the car port. (Those were the ones I moved back out into the sunshine just yesterday.)

Luckily, we missed the hail bullet but did receive a lot of pouring rain.

This morning when I took Maddie to school, I noticed the ditches were full, with some threatening to spill out onto Highway 33. By now, the water probably is across the road.

So, being a good Oklahoman, instead of writing this morning, I’ve been either watching the weather on tv or out the window.

I’ve also been watching the water rise in my flooded shed.

Flooded shed

Rainwater often does spill across the patio and against the shed wall, where it leaks inside. But I have never seen this much water in the shed. The ruler is now showing nearly two inches!

I saw what looked like Maddie’s little cream-colored cat rolling around down in the pasture. I thought, “What a weird cat. She’s rolling around out in the rain.”

Mini-fountain from flooded gopher hole

Then I took a closer look and realized it was water shooting out of the ground! Apparently, a gopher tunnel has become flooded and the water had nowhere else to go. I hope it makes the gopher decide to move.

It’s been raining steadily for several hours now, and it is expected to continue all day and into the night. They’re even forecasting severe weather here tonight, with a chance of more thunderstorms or tornadoes.

Guess I won’t be doing any work all day!

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