Seeing Clearly

This will probably be a short post because, frankly, I’m a little emotional.

Yesterday, after years of yearning for laser correction for my eyes, I finally had the surgery. It was a Christmas gift from my husband, Keith. Honestly, this is hands-down the best gift I’ve ever received.

I’ve worn glasses since I was about a sixth grader. I cried and screamed when I learned I had to have them. And have pretty much hated every single minute of wearing glasses all these decades later.

Don’t get me wrong, I know I needed them. I’d have never made it through school without glasses, nor would I have ever obtained a driver’s license or learned to shoot a gun competently. In the olden days, I could easily have ended life as a lion’s breakfast or been run over by a herd of buffalo. That’s how bad my vision was.

But this morning, I’m able to see the beautiful trees in our pasture – their leaves, twigs, and buds. I can see the birds perched in the trees, and the butterflies crossing under them. I can see individual blades of grass bend as they are touched by the breeze.

Small things, but just something I’d never done without glasses.

Of all the stress and experiences I’ve been through lately – I just find it ironic that it’s the beauty of nature that is now what’s making me cry.

One response to “Seeing Clearly

  1. I remember so well the day I got my glasses, Cindy. I was in high school at the time, but the first thing I did when I got home was *run* down into the woods. I couldn’t do that before for fear of crashing into branches that I couldn’t see well enough while moving fast. It was such a joy to be able to see clearly. Maybe someday I’ll bite the bullet and see if I might be a good candidate for clear vision *without* my glasses.

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