Oklahoma FreeWheel – Day 1

The gravel route stays on pavement for several miles but soon turns a bit rowdy.

Another very breezy day in western Oklahoma! Today, I suspect the wind was trying to kill us. It did almost take out our tent. Hopefully, we got it repaired and will be able to keep using it.

State troopers ready to provide an escort.

Keith and I loaded up and hit the road around 7:30 a.m. By that time, most of the riders had already packed up and gone.

Some riders crossing I-40.

We drove to tonight’s stop, Weatherford, where we’d start marking tomorrow’s gravel route.

Route 66 and veterans monument at Weatherford.

The folks in Weatherford were already setting up the campsite. Mayor Mike Brown came over and welcomed us to town.

Weatherford Mayor Mike Brown.

During the morning , we saw lots of large fields interspersed with rocky arroyos and small canyons.

Where’d the road go? Oh yeah, there it is waaaay over there.

Lunch stop was in the town of Hinton.

We saw lots more wheat ready to cut, and plenty of wildflowers.

Don’t know what these are, but they’re gorgeous.

Sections of the Mother Road are still here!

Route 66 – the Mother Road.

The campsite in Weatherford features a ginormous windmill blade.

Tents set up next to a windmill blade.

Lots of friends in camp, too!

Stillwater friendly faces (from left) Bill, John, Jack, Scott, Keith, and Carl.

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