Oklahoma FreeWheel – Day 2

There’s a wide variety of road surfaces today, especially this kind.

Today started hazy. The weather report said there’s a lot of humidity in the air. I suspect that won’t stick around for long once the wind kicks up.

Hazy day.

Though it’s”officially” Day 2, Keith and I are marking the Day 3 gravel route from El Reno to Luther.

El Reno campsite.

The El Reno campsite is nice and shady this morning. The site is in a beautiful area next to the country club and El Reno lake.

The Day 3 gravel route stays in rural areas for the most part, and it’s especially nice east of I-35 and north of Luther. Lots of different surfaces today.

A rough spot north of Luther.

We were surprised to note a castle along the route today!

Well now, that’s not something you see every day in Oklahoma.

There are lots of pretty wildflowers, too. I saw Mexican hats, and several others that I don’t know. I’m pretty sure that last one is nightshade.

We rolled into Luther and found they’ve already put up lots of little signs.

They were also busy putting up a large tent at the campsite.

We stopped at a diner for lunch and heard local residents talking about FreeWheel coming to town. They seem to be looking forward to our visit.

El Reno tent city.

At tonight’s riders meeting, the Luther mayor, the parks and rec director, and the owner of a local BBQ restaurant got everyone stirred up and ready for our visit there.

Tired volunteer feet. We were comparing tan/dirt lines.

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