Oklahoma FreeWheel – Day 3

We spent a pleasant night in El Reno. There was a chance of rain overnight, but it held off til this morning.

Storm clouds approaching from the north.

About the time we started marking the Day 4 gravel route, it started raining. We ducked into the 116 Farmstead Market & Table in Luther for a cup of coffee and a lemon bar. Keith had apple cake. Both were very good.

We got several miles marked before the thunderstorm started in earnest. A flash flood warning was issued, so we found a high spot to wait out the storm.

Bear Creek near Fallis.

At least we don’t have to put up with dust and wind today!

I’m always on the lookout for interesting plants, and found a couple different kinds of milkweed.

Also found copious amounts of poison oak and ivy.

We came upon a fire at some oil storage tanks. Probably caused by lightning. I think it was around mile 31.

We stopped off at the Rock Cafe in Stroud for lunch. Such a neat little place! They are expecting us tomorrow and said they’ll have a food truck open.

There’s a variety of gravel surfaces tomorrow; all pretty soggy!

FreeWheel camp at Luther is a hopping place. The town really rolled out the red carpet and made us feel welcome.

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