Tag Archives: Eric Reitan


Yes, finally an update!

I’ve had lots going on in my life during the past couple of months, and have been challenged getting used to my new schedule. Things are working out wonderfully, however, so I’m making a determined effort to get better with blogging.

As I noted awhile back, in March I left the weekly newspaper I had been with for about 10 years. I wasn’t enjoying my job as much as I used to, so it was time to try something new. That something is freelance writing and editing. I’m really enjoying it, so far!

I still write a couple stories a week for The Journal and have recently become a writer for a regional magazine called The Corridor (www.corridor-magazine.com), which focuses on an area of north central Oklahoma kind of south of Stillwater down to Stroud and Chandler, along old Route 66. The area includes a bunch of little towns and a large rural area.

My work for The Corridor will be producing feature stories, which I love. I got off to a fun start for the June issue writing about a local horse rescue organization called Johnson Equine Rescue. Check out their website at:  www.johnsonequinerescue.com.

I had a great time interviewing Dixie Johnson and visiting with the horses. I really fell in love with an appaloosa named Chance. What a sweety! Dixie invited me and Maddie to come out sometime, which Maddie is all for. Hope to do that sometime soon.

On the acting front, I recently completed my first film role. The indie film, titled “Dog Named Clara,” was written and directed by Scott Bryant. I was fascinated by how the scenes were shot. It’s SO different from theatre! Very little rehearsal, which kind of rattled me, as those of you who know me well will understand. We had our script for a couple of months, and my part was small, so I didn’t have much to memorize. However, it’s always different recalling your lines during private rehearsal and recalling them when you are interacting with other actors. People speak lines differently than you had imagined, your blocking (stage movement) is thrown into the mix, plus you may be handling props or whatever. It takes a few runs to get used to it all enough that it’s second nature. We only ran through lines and blocking a few times before Scott said, “Ok, we’ll film this take.” And then, we were on.

And then, we did the same bit again, but the camera shot it from behind me. And then, we did the same bit again, but the camera shot it from behind another actor. And so on…

It was really very fascinating. I would love to be involved with another film and see how all of those parts are put together into one cohesive story.

I don’t really know how it all works, but I believe after Scott finishes the film, he’ll attempt to find a studio to either sell it to or obtain help in producing it. Will keep you posted.

Speaking of film, I also have another project going on. I am the new “Author of the Month” coordinator for TV31 in Stillwater. (http://www.tv31.net/sportsmanch.html)

The segment appears on The Morning Edition show the third Wednesday of each month. I appeared as featured writer last year and had a lot of fun, so I was very interested in this new role when it was suggested to me. I don’t appear on camera; I just find interesting writers and authors in our area who agree to hold still long enough to be interviewed.

Eric Reitan, agreed to be my first “guinea pig” (his words, or was that “lab rat?”) He was on the May 20 show with his new book “Is God a Delusion?” Eric is a friend and is coincidentally, an associate professor of philosophy at Oklahoma State University. He did a great job on the show, and I appreciate his willingness to be my ‘first.’ Check out Eric’s blog:  www.thepietythatliesbetween.blogspot.com for some spirited discussion.

I have a few other authors already penciled in for the next few months, so stay tuned and I’ll let you know who they’ll be.

Well, that’s most of it in a nutshell. I’ll keep ya posted on what’s happening in our corner of Oklahoma. Please feel free to leave a comment below!